祁文彬,张元忠,王 亮,窦小雨.甘肃省地质勘查基金项目勘查成果综述[J].甘肃地质,2017,26(4):1-9
A Review of Exploration Results Funded by Gansu Geological Exploration Fund
中文关键词:  地质勘查基金  勘查成果  综述  甘肃省
英文关键词:Geological Exploration Fund  exploration results  review  Gansu
祁文彬 甘肃省地质勘查基金管理中心甘肃 兰州 730000 
张元忠 甘肃省地质勘查基金管理中心甘肃 兰州 730000 
王 亮 甘肃省地质勘查基金管理中心甘肃 兰州 730000 
窦小雨 甘肃省地质勘查基金管理中心甘肃 兰州 730000 
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      甘肃省地质勘查基金设立于2009年,至今共设置勘查项目259个,总经费34. 2亿元。勘查项目主要部署在甘肃北山、阿尔金—祁连山、西秦岭及陇东地区等主要成矿区带,勘查矿种主要有能源矿产(煤炭、地热、页岩气、铀)、金属矿产(铁、锰、钒、钛、铜铅锌、钨钼、金银、铌钽)、非金属矿产(萤石、石膏、晶质石墨、硅灰石、水泥灰岩、重晶石、花岗岩饰面石材)。其主要目的是增强矿产资源对甘肃经济社会可持续发展的保障能力,提高政府对矿产资源的调控水平,规范矿业权市场。通过省地矿局、省有色地勘局、省煤田地质局、省核工业地质局等单位的组织实施,煤炭、页岩气、铁、铜、金、晶质石墨等矿种勘查取得了较大的突破。其中,以大会战的方式,相继开展了环县、正宁县南部、宁县中南部等大型煤田勘查,创造了地质找矿的“陇东模式”,累计查明煤炭资源量204. 6亿吨。为陇东能源基地建设奠定了资源基础。在陇东、武威、敦煌盆地开展了页岩气资源调查评价工作,其中敦煌盆地页岩气调查取得突破性进展。在镜铁山外围卡瓦一带开展的铁矿勘查累计提交铁矿石资源量达5. 3亿吨,是甘肃又一处在全国具有宏观影响的铁矿勘查重大成果。白银铜矿深部勘查是老矿山深部探边摸底找矿突破的典型事例,新增铜铅锌金属量51. 93万吨,对延长白银铜矿山寿命具有重要意义。金矿勘查也取得了重要进展,累计探求金金属资源量43. 07 t。晶质石墨作为新兴战略性矿产,连续找矿突破,初步探求资源量达490万吨。上述勘查成果显示,在矿业市场持续低迷的环境下,省地勘基金对全省地质找矿和矿业开发起到了显著的促进作用,对全省经济社会发展具有重要意义。
      Founded on 2009, Gansu Geological Exploration Fund has funded 259 projects with the total project amount of 3. 42 billion. The projects are arranged in the major metallogenic areas in Gansu Province, Beishan, Altyn, Qilian, Wester Qilian and Longdong areas, etc. The mineral species are mainly on energy mineral resources (e. g. coal, subterranean heat, shale gas, uranium), metal minerals (iron, manganese, vanadium, titanium, copper, lead and zinc, tungsten and molybdenum, gold, silver, niobium-tantalum), nonmetallic mineral resources (gesso, hydraulic limestone, granite). The aim of this fund is to raise the resource's assurance of Gansu Province, increase the regulate and control of the government, rule the market of mining rights. The exploration results of coal, shale gas, iron, copper, gold and crystalline graphite are great with the works of geological exploration units in Gansu Province. “Longdong model” is created form the works of coal exploration in south Zhengning county and middle-south Ning County with the coal resource up to 20. 46 billion tons. The shale gas exploration has a breakthrough progress in Dunhuang Basin according to the palnning of shale gas in Gansu Province. It's another significant achievement of iron exploration in Kawa area (the iron resource of 530 million tons). The deeping explorating with new amount of copper resources of 519. 3 thousand tons in Baiyin copper deposit is significant to increase its production life. The new amount of gold resources are up to 43. 07 tons in Western Qinling. The resource of crystalline graphite, which is a newly strategic mineral species is about 4900 thousand tons in wester Qilian. It is suggested that the effect is notable to geological exploration and mining development, the significance is giant to economic and social development of Gansu Geological Exploration Fund.
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