张 旗,焦守涛,刘惠云.Sr和Yb两个元素对花岗岩理论的重要意义   ——花岗岩研究的哲学思考[J].甘肃地质,2021,(1):1-15
Sr和Yb两个元素对花岗岩理论的重要意义   ——花岗岩研究的哲学思考
Significance of Sr and Yb to Granite Theory: Pilosophical Thinking on Granite Research
中文关键词:  Sr  Yb  花岗岩  理论  哲学  分类  压力  温度  地球化学  地球动力学意义
英文关键词:Sr  Yb  granite  philosophy  classification  pressure  temperature  geochemistry  geodynamic significance
张 旗 1. 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所北京 100029 2. 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所岩石圈演化国家重点实验室北京 100029 
焦守涛 3. 中国地质调查局发展研究中心北京 1000374. 自然资源部地质信息工程技术创新中心北京 100037 
刘惠云 1. 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所北京 100029 2. 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所岩石圈演化国家重点实验室北京 100029 
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      The study of granite has a history of hundreds of years, but granite has not formed its own independent theoretical system, and there is no systematic granite classification. Granite is very complex. How to simplify the complex and summarize the most essential, core, and critical signs of granite is a very difficult task. From a philosophical point of view, this paper found that Sr and Yb may be two elements with special meanings. The special feature is that they not only have the characteristics of general trace elements, but also have special functions. The key is that their behavior is related to the residual granite after partial melting. The composition of metamorphic minerals (such as garnet, plagioclase, etc.). It may be precisely because of this factor that Sr and Yb have functions unmatched by other trace elements. This paper proposes a systematic classification of granites according to the permutation and combination of Sr and Yb. The geodynamic significance of granite has been controversial in academic circles. This paper believes that plate tectonics can only affect the continental margins and not the interior of the continent. The most important task of continental evolution research is to restore changes in the history of continental geology, such as extension and compression (some rotations are byproducts of compression), uplift and collapse, orogeny and basin, thickening and thinning, etc. How to identify the above-mentioned changes and their processes is still very difficult in methodology. Relying on Sr, Yb and the theory of equilibrium with the residual phase, a solution is proposed that can solve or roughly solve the above problems. For example, adakite (high Sr, low Yb) represents thickened crust, Nanling type (very low Sr, high Yb) represents thinned crust, Zhemin type (low Sr, high Yb) and Guangxi type (high Sr, high Yb) representing the normal thickness of the crust, the Himalayan granite (low Sr and low Yb) represents the transition between medium pressure and high pressure. Therefore, according to the changes of Sr and Yb, the changes in continental crustal temperature and pressure conditions during the geological history can be roughly restored, the changes in continental landforms (plains, hills, plateaus, and mountains) can be inferred, and the changes in tectonic stress (extrusion leads to thickening, extension leads to thinning) can be discussed. In addition, different types of granites are also related to mineralization. Generally speaking, adakite is related to gold and copper, Nanling type is related to tungsten and tin, Himalayan type is related to gold, and Zhemin and Guangxi types are basically not conducive to mineralization. However, in practice, there are also instances of the co-existence of gold, copper, tungsten and tin in space, and they may be different in genesis or mineralization age or ore-controlling factors. The problem is still very complicated, and there are many phenomena that are difficult to explain. The author just gave an idea and a concept from a macro perspective, but many details are not clear. Research shows that science and philosophy are closely related, and philosophy is a high-level generalization of science. This paper attempts to summarize and simplify the complex granite from a philosophical point of view. It is only a preliminary attempt. There are more issues that need to be studied carefully.
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