The Geological Advances and Progresses of Gansu Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration During the Period of 13th Five?鄄Year Plan
中文关键词:  十三五  地质调查  矿产勘查  找矿突破  甘肃
英文关键词:the period of The 13th Five-Year Plan  geological survey  mineral exploration  ore-prospecting breakthrough  Gansu
刘建宏 甘肃省地矿局甘肃 兰州 730000 
叶得金 甘肃省地矿局甘肃 兰州 730000 
齐瑞荣 甘肃省地矿局甘肃 兰州 730000 
贾志磊 甘肃省地矿局甘肃 兰州 730000 
王海琦 甘肃省地矿局甘肃 兰州 730000 
摘要点击次数: 5684
全文下载次数: 3466
      “十三五”期间,甘肃省地矿局地勘工作贯彻习近平生态文明建设思想新要求,牢固树立绿色发展理念,地质工作全过程实施绿色勘查,同时也经受住了经济下行、矿业市场低迷、投资环境不利等严峻考验。文章反映了甘肃省地矿局在基础地质调查、矿产勘查、地质科研等方面取得的显著成果。通过开展区域地质调查、矿产远景调查等工作,全省基础性、公益性地质工作程度进一步提升。在重要成矿带开展矿产勘查工作,发现一批新的矿产地。西秦岭金矿勘查继续推进,新发现天子坪金矿、饮马河金矿;玛曲县格尔珂金矿、合作市早子沟金矿、西和县大桥金矿、夏河县加甘滩金矿持续勘查,矿山实现增储。在甘肃北山相继发现五一山、塔水井、甜水井西、红柳沟北等钒矿,杨岭为铁钒异体共生矿。铅锌、镍等有色金属找矿取得了显著找矿前景。在阿尔金东段新发现晶质石墨富集区3个,先后发现大型晶质石墨矿床7处、中型矿床2处,探获晶质石墨矿物资源量累计达到1 200万吨以上。地热、氦气、砂岩型铀矿等矿产勘查也取得了重大突破,萤石、蓝晶石、硅灰石、饰面石材等地优质非金属找矿工作持续推进。地质科研有力指导了区域找矿勘查工作。文章还展望了“十四五”期间地质工作,提出了部署思路,对新时代地质工作具有借鉴意义。
      During the period of 13th Five-Year Plan, under the guidance of the new requirements of XI Jin-pin Ecological Civilization Construction, the geologists have implement the green development strategy and carry out green exploration in the geological works of Gansu Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration. Moreover, the geological survey rode out the tests of economic downturn, mining market downturn and Unfavorable investment environment. The article summarized the remarkably geological works and outcomes of fundamental geological survey, mineral exploration and geological research in this period. The completeness of geological works have been further upgraded through developing regional geologic reconnaissance and strategic mineral prospective survey. Lots of new mineral occurrences have been found by deploying the woeks in the important mineralized belts. The gold explorations continued to implement. On the one hand, some new mineral occurrences are found, such as Tianziping gold mine and Yinmahe gold mine, and on the other, the reserves increased of Gerke gold mine, Zaozigou gold mine, Dashui gold mine and Jiagantan gold mine. Vanadium ore prospecting were a major breakthrough in Beishan area, and a batch of Vanadium ores were evaluated. The exploration of Lead, zinc, nickel and other non-ferrous metals also have achieved remarkable results. The founding of lots of crystalline graphite ores were a great breakthrough in the eastern Altyn mountain, 7 large deposits and 2middle deposits were gound and evaluated currently, and the resources of crystalline graphite is expected to exceed 12 million tons. The mineral exploration of other geological field maked a progress too, for example, geothermal, helium, sandstone-type uranium deposits. Locally needed high-quality non-metallic prospecting work continues to advance. Both numbers of items and funds of geological research have a substantial increase, which guided regional exploration and prospecting. The article also suggests the things of work in the period of 14th Five-Year Plan, which is significant to geological work of Gansu Province.
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