李 松.宕昌县城关镇而信滑坡风险评价方法探讨与实践[J].甘肃地质,2022,(1):63-71
Risk Assessment on Erxin Landslide in Chengguan Town of Tanchang County
中文关键词:  地质灾害  风险评价  防灾减灾  而信滑坡  甘肃宕昌
英文关键词:geo-hazards  risk assessment  disaster prevention and mitigation  Erxin landslide
李 松 1. 甘肃省地矿局第二地勘院甘肃 兰州 7300202. 甘肃水文地质工程地质勘察院有限责任公司甘肃 兰州 730020 
摘要点击次数: 989
全文下载次数: 569
      Gansu Province is one of the most serious provinces with fragile geological environment and frequent geological disasters. Faced with such a severe situation of geological disaster prevention, geological disaster risk assessment has become a hot subject and a powerful non-engineering measure for disaster prevention and reduction. In view of the regional geological disaster risk assessment method and the theory research are many, has formed the quite system technical flow, but to the monomer geological disaster risk assessment research is relatively few. Taking the Erxin landslide in Chengguan town of Tanchang county as an example, this paper expounds the risk assessment process of large-scale single landslide disaster by using the existing theoretical system of single geological disaster risk assessment, and obtains the risk grade of the corresponding hazard area.
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