杨 永,胡晓隆.甘肃漳县含盐盆地石盐矿水溶性能研究[J].甘肃地质,2024,(3):16-22 |
甘肃漳县含盐盆地石盐矿水溶性能研究 |
Halite Dissolution of Salt Deposit in Zhangxian County of Gansu Province |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 漳县含盐盆地 石盐矿床 水溶性能 回采率 综合利用 |
英文关键词:salt deposit dissolution of halite salt-bearing basin Zhangxian County |
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摘要点击次数: 44 |
全文下载次数: 40 |
中文摘要: |
研究区石盐矿床完全埋藏于地下,属隐伏矿床,钻井水溶法是首选开采手段。区内老矿山目前采用钻井水溶法主要开采600 m以浅的石盐矿床,对新发现的1 000 m以深的石盐矿床开采技术方法研究缺乏试验研究。通过漳县含盐盆地最新石盐矿普查和详查工作,对区内石盐样品进行了水溶性能试验,结果显示:多数样品的溶解速度和溶蚀速度大,且上溶溶蚀速度大于测溶溶蚀速度,两者均随卤水浓度增大而减小;侧溶角的角度变化较大,但整体适中;波美度在24°Be′时侧溶角多在35° ~ 50°,溶解空间适中;卤水膨胀率11. 41% ~ 13. 34%,平均为12. 50%,有利于水溶开采时水资源的利用;水不溶残渣量少、颗粒小,湿体膨胀率0. 96% ~ 31. 81%,溶腔被残渣充填范围较小且较易从出卤管中排出;饱和卤水NaCl含量303. 46 ~ 323. 88 g,卤水中有害元素含量较低,属于优质卤水,简单加工即可用于制盐。利用盐硝联产工艺可对盐卤水中的钙芒硝成份进行综合利用。漳县含盐盆地内岩盐矿1 000 m以深适宜采用钻井水溶法进行开采。 |
英文摘要: |
Salt deposit in Zhangxian salt-bearing basin is completely buried underground and is a concealed deposit。Dissolution of halite is the preferred means of mining , that mining above 600 m at present,there is a lack of experimental research on the technical methods of mining the newly discovered rock salt deposit at a depth of 1 000 m. According to the latest stone salt mine detailed investigation work Dissolution of halite energy test ,The main results are generalized as follows: Erosion rate and dissolution rate of most samples are fast and the upper erosion is faster than the side erosion, both of which decrease with the increase of brine concentration. Angle of side erosion have a large angle change, but can be accepted. In saturated brine, the side erosion angle between 35° ~ 50°, brine expansion between 11. 41% ~ 13. 34%, the average is 12. 50%, it's conducive to the utilization of water resources. The water-insoluble residue has small amount and small particles, The expansion rate of water-insoluble residue between 0.96% ~ 31.81%, and the solution cavity is seldom filled by the residue, which is favorable for the production of upper dissolution. The saturated brine has a NaCl content of 303. 46 ~ 323. 88 g/L and the content of harmful elements in the brine is low, it belongs to high-quality brine and can be used for salt production with simple processing. Glauber's salt can be used for comprehensive utilization of glauberite components in salt brine. The rock salt ore in the salt-bearing basin of Zhangxian County is suitable for mining by drilling-water dissolution of halite method. The rock salt mine is suitable for mining by water dissolution mining below 1 000 m. |
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