胡彦斌,冯建宏,高文德,黄小龙.基于层次分析法的甘肃省地下水水源地开采潜力研究[J].甘肃地质,2024,(3):30-37 |
基于层次分析法的甘肃省地下水水源地开采潜力研究 |
Exploitation Potential of Groundwater Source Areas in Gansu Province Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 地下水水源地 层次分析法 开采潜力 甘肃省 |
英文关键词:groundwater sources analytic hierarchy process exploitation potential Gansu Province |
基金项目:甘肃省地矿局2022年度创新资金项目“甘肃省县(区)级地下水水源地开发利用现状及开采潜力研究”(2022CX24) |
摘要点击次数: 46 |
全文下载次数: 42 |
中文摘要: |
地下水是西北干旱—半干旱区重要的生活生产供水水源和抗旱应急水源,对于保障区域饮水安全、粮食安全和生态安全具有十分重要的意义。依据社会经济概况、地下水水质、水量、地下水允许开采量、地下水开采潜力指数、地下水开采引起的环境地质问题以及政府决策等6项指标,采用层次分析法评价甘肃省地下水水源地的供水潜力和保障能力。研究表明,开采潜力大的水源地共计20处,占比32%,开采潜力较大的水源地28处,占比44%,开采潜力一般的水源地6处,占比10%,无开采潜力的水源地9处,占比14%。加快备用水源地建设,加强水源地水质监督、监测和水源保护可有效提升水源地保障能力。研究结果可为相关县区解决城市供水问题和可持续发展提供科学依据。 |
英文摘要: |
Groundwater is an important source of water supply for domestic production and emergency drought water source in the arid-semi-arid region of Northwest China, and it is significance for guaranteeing drinking-water security, food security and ecological sustainability. Based on six indicators, including socio-economic profile, groundwater quality, groundwater resources, allowable groundwater exploitation, groundwater exploitation potential index, environmental geological problems caused by groundwater exploitation and government decision-making, the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) was used to evaluate the water supply potential and water resources guarantee capacity of groundwater sources in Gansu Province. The results show: There are 20 water sources with large exploitation potential, accounting for 32%, 28 water sources with large exploitation potential, accounting for 44%, 6 water sources with average exploitation potential, accounting for 10%, and 9 water sources with no exploitation potential, accounting for 14%. Accelerate the construction of alternate water sources, strengthen water quality supervision, monitoring, strengthen water protection can effectively enhance the water security capacity. The results of the study can be relevant counties and districts to solve the problem of urban water supply and sustainable development to provide a scientific basis. The results of the study can provide a scientific basis for solve urban water supply problems and sustainable development in the relevant counties. |
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