Hydrochemical Characteristics and Migration Rules of Strontium-rich Groundwater in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Liyuan River Plain
中文关键词:  锶地下水  水化学特征  运移富集规律  矿泉水  梨园河
英文关键词:strontium-rich groundwater  hydrochemical characteristics  migration and enrichment rules  mineral water  Liyuan River
张彦林 甘肃省地质调查院甘肃 兰州 730000 
李积玉 甘肃省地质调查院甘肃 兰州 730000 
李春亮 甘肃省地质调查院甘肃 兰州 730000 
刘延兵 甘肃省地质调查院甘肃 兰州 730000 
员泽程 甘肃省地质调查院甘肃 兰州 730000 
摘要点击次数: 45
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      依托2022年甘肃省地矿局创新资金项目所取得的数据资料,对梨园河中下游平原区富锶地下水水化学特征和循环演化过程进行了研究。结果表明,祁连山出山河水TDS为504 ~ 561 mg/L,锶含量0.64 ~ 0.90 mg/L;平原区地下水TDS为218 ~ 2 326 mg/L,锶含量0. 48 ~ 4. 04 mg/L,锶平均值1. 31 mg/L,全部达到饮用天然矿泉水标准。河流上游祁连山区广布的基岩锶含量相对丰富且地表化学风化作用强烈,为出山河水及由此入渗形成的中下游地区第四系松散岩类孔隙水提供了丰富的锶来源;平原区地下水循环演化过程中,水体与围岩发生充分水—岩作用,沿径流路径地下水溶滤作用和阳离子交换作用不断促进地下水锶的富集,蒸发浓缩作用进一步加剧了地下水溢出带和浅埋区锶的富集。梨园河中下游平原区是勘查开发锶矿泉水资源的有利地段。
      Based on the data obtained from the 2022 Gansu Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Innovation Fund Project, a study was conducted on the hydrochemical characteristics and circulation evolution process of strontium-rich groundwater in the middle and lower reaches Plain of the Liyuan River. The results indicate that the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of the mountain outlet river water ranges from 504 to 561 mg/L, with strontium content varying between 0. 64 and 0. 90 mg/L. In contrast, the TDS of groundwater in the plain area spans from 218 to 2 326 mg/L, with strontium content ranging from 0. 48 to 4. 04 mg/L, and an average strontium content of 1. 31 mg/L, all of which meet the standards for drinking natural mineral water. The bedrock in the Qilian Mountains upstream of the Liyuan River is widely distributed, with relatively abundant strontium content and intense surface chemical weathering, which provides an abundant source of strontium for the mountain outlet river water and the Quaternary unconsolidated rock pore water infiltrated and formed in the middle and lower reaches. During the circulation and evolution of groundwater in the plain area, extensive water-rock interactions occur between the water and surrounding rocks. Along the flow path, the leaching and cation exchange processes continuously enrich the groundwater in strontium, while evaporation and concentration further intensify the enrichment of strontium in the groundwater overflow zone and shallow buried areas. Consequently, the middle and lower reaches of the Liyuan River Plain Area represent a favorable location for the exploration and development of strontium mineral water resources.
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