刘江斌,牛红利,党 亮.二米光栅—原子发射光谱法应用于地质样品多元素半定量全分析[J].甘肃地质,2024,(3):84-88
Semi-quantitative Analysis of Multi-element in Geological Samples by Two Meter Grating Atomic Emission Spectrometry
中文关键词:  原子发射光谱法  地质样品  半定量全分析
英文关键词:atomic emission spectrometry  geological samples  semi-quantitative complete analysis
刘江斌 1. 甘肃地质矿产勘查开发局第三地质矿产勘查院甘肃 兰州 7300002. 自然资源部兰州矿产资源监督检验中心甘肃 兰州 730050 
牛红利 1. 甘肃地质矿产勘查开发局第三地质矿产勘查院甘肃 兰州 7300002. 自然资源部兰州矿产资源监督检验中心甘肃 兰州 730050 
党 亮 1. 甘肃地质矿产勘查开发局第三地质矿产勘查院甘肃 兰州 7300002. 自然资源部兰州矿产资源监督检验中心甘肃 兰州 730050 
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      利用WPP2型二米平面光栅摄谱仪,用碳电极直接装取地质试样进行摄谱,在映谱仪下肉眼观测比对元素谱线黑度,结合黑度比较法和显线法确定元素(组分)含量。实现了对样品中的铍、钡、硼、铅、锡、钛、锰、镓、铬、镍、钒、铜、锆、银、金、锌、钴、锶、钼、五氧化二磷、钪、钇、镧、铈、镱、铌、钽、铀、钍、砷、锑、铋、镉、钨、铟、锂等37种元素组分的半定量分析,分析灵敏度高,测试范围大(0. 000X ~ 10. 00%)。方法最大的优势在于该方法比ICP、X荧光等现代仪器分析更为可靠,不会出现漏测、误测的问题,在判定矿物组成上远优于现代大型仪器。该法操作简单、快速、准确可靠。
      In this paper, WPP2 two-meter planar grating spectrograph is used to directly load geological samples with lower carbon electrode for spectrography. The blackness of spectral lines of elements is observed by naked eye under the spectrograph, and the content of elements (components) is determined by combining the blackness comparison method and the salient line method. The semi-quantitative analysis of 37 elemental components including beryllium, barium, boron, lead, tin, titanium, manganese, gallium, chromium, nickel, vanadium, copper, zirconium, silver, gold, zinc, cobalt, strontium, molybdenum, phosphorus pentaoxide, scandium, yttrium, lanthanum, cerium, ytterbium, niobium, tantalum, uranium, thorium, arsenic, antimony, bismuth, cadmium, tungsten, indium and lithium in the sample was realized with high sensitivity. Application range :0.000X ~ 10.00%. The biggest advantage of this method is that it does not have the problem of leakage and misdetection, and it is far superior to modern large-scale instruments in determining mineral composition. This method is simple, rapid, accurate and reliable.
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