许 泰,曹 强.西峰区巴家咀水库库区、坝址区与坝前区工程地质特征及现状问题研究[J].甘肃地质,2024,(4):55-62
Engineering Geological Characteristics of the Reservoir Area, Dam Site Area and Dam Front Area of Bajiazui Reservoir in Xifeng District
中文关键词:  库区特征  坝体特征  坝前特征  治理措施  巴家咀水库  西峰区
英文关键词:mineral prediction  ductile shear zone  ore control condition  target area validation
许 泰 1. 陇东学院 新能源学院甘肃 庆阳 745000 
曹 强 2. 庆阳市巴家咀水库管理所甘肃 庆阳 745000 
摘要点击次数: 54
全文下载次数: 59
      The Dadiangou Gold Mine in Liangdang County is located in the western section of the North Qinling Mountains, with the ore bearing strata being the Muqitan Formation of the Danfeng Group in the Sinian Ordovician period. The lithology is sericite green mud quartz schist, and gold mineralization mainly occurs in the 60° ~ 70° trending weathered ductile shear zone, which is mainly developed in the third lithological segment; The main controlling factors of the deposit are the fading alteration ductile shear structural zone+pyrite mineralization+quartz vein, and the ore types are quartz vein type gold ore and altered rock type gold ore. Based on the characteristics of ore control laws and mineralization information, abnormal development of primary halo indicator elements, deep areas with low erosion rates, high-value areas of pyrite thermoelectric coefficient, deep areas, unsealed extension directions of edges, pyrite thermoelectric properties, and the development of altered minerals such as muscovite, chlorite, and illite, as well as fluid inclusion temperature ranges of 170 ℃ ~ 220 ℃, mineral exploration predictions were made. By verifying the two predicted target areas(BQ1 and BQ2), the verification effect was better, expanding the scale of the ore body and indicating that the deep part of the Dadiangou gold deposit has good prospecting prospects.
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