Evolution Models and Risk Control of Geological Disaster in Gonghe Town of Zhengning County
中文关键词:  黄土高原  地质灾害调查  滑波演化过程  管控措施  甘肃正宁
英文关键词:disaster in loess plateau area  cut slopes for building houses  evolutionary process  disaster control  loess  Zhengning County
基金项目:甘肃省正宁县宫河镇1 ∶ 1万地质灾害精细化调查项目资助(甘资字[2021]63号)
包维斌 1. 甘肃省地矿局第四地勘院甘肃 酒泉 735000 
叶红刚 1. 甘肃省地矿局第四地勘院甘肃 酒泉 7350002. 兰州大学资源与环境学院甘肃 兰州 730030 
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全文下载次数: 107
      本文以庆阳市正宁县宫河镇地质灾害精细调查(1 ∶ 10 000)项目为依托,在野外调查和统计分析基础上对陇东黄土高原宫河镇地质灾害基本特征、演化模式和不合理人类活动及风险管控措施进行了研究。结果表明宫河镇地质灾害精细调查共确定地质灾害及其隐患 19 处,其中,崩塌10处,滑坡9处,规模均以中小型为主。灾害发育过程与降雨、坡面侵蚀、开挖坡脚、开挖窑洞及切坡建房密切相关。按照成因机制和发育特点将研究区灾害模式进行了分类:滑坡模式为“拉裂—推移式浅表层演化模式”和“混合式浅表层演化模式”,崩塌模式以“滑移演化模式”和“坠落演化模式”为主。根据灾害点的现状特征、威胁人数和财产数量及风险评估结果等,逐点制定了群防群测、专业监测、排危除险、削方减载、坡面防护和工程治理等风险管控措施建议。
      Based on detailed investigation of geological disasters project(1 ∶ 10 000), in Gonghe Town, Zhengning County, Qingyang City this paper studies the basic characteristics, evolution patterns, unreasonable human activities and risk control measures of geological hazards in Gonghe Town of Longdong Loess Plateauthrough the basis of field investigation and statistical analysis. The results show that: A total of 19 geological disasters and hidden dangers were identified in the investigation, including 10 collapses and 9 landslides, all of which were mainly small and medium-sized. The development process of disaster is closely related to rainfall, slope erosion, excavation of slope feet, excavation of caves and slope cutting to build houses. The disaster patterns in the study area were classified based on their genetic mechanisms and developmental characteristics: The landslide mode incluedes “pull-shift superficial evolution mode” and “mixed superficial evolution mode”, whilethe collapse mode is mainly “slip evolution mode” and “fall evolution mode”. Based on the current status, the number of threatened people and property, and the risk assessment results of the disaster points, suggestions for risk control measures such as group prevention and group measurement, professional monitoring, risk elimination, load reduction, slope protection and engineering governance were formulated point by point.
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